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Le magazine du trot numéro 2

Sujet commencé par : crabusor - Il y a 1 réponses à ce sujet, dernière réponse par korijennings44
Par crabusor : le 30/11/12 à 23:37:37


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Par korijennings44 : le 20/02/21 à 08:36:03


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I’ve been facing the same problem but then figured out that my router wasn’t the problem at all. Just like you said that I also wasn’t able to open that site or anything connected with that site. After checking everything on this site speedput I concluded that everything’s fine on my side and the actual problem is in the version of this site. Maybe they need to update their system or maybe this version has some kind of bug in it, that’s why it isn’t working properly. You need to check your connection and if that’s working well then you just need to wait for the next update.

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