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Sujet commencé par : deeperair35 - Il y a 0 réponses à ce sujet, dernière réponse par deeperair35
Par deeperair35 : le 29/06/21 à 08:51:50


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Dire merci
neat information approximately posted via alex in, neatorama excellent on november 3, 2009 at 3:forty four ampositive as speedy as it become midnight, there came in two little bare dwarfs; and they sat themselves upon the shoemaker’s bench, took up all the work that changed into reduce out, and started out to ply with their little palms, sewing and rapping and tapping away at one of these price, that the shoemaker turned into all marvel, and could not take his eyes off them. and on they went, until the mission come to be pretty carried out, and the shoes stood ready to be used upon the table. this changed into lengthy earlier than daybreak; and then they bustled away as.
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