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Frienship /amitie -- A social necessity

Sujet commencé par : PEGASOS - Il y a 459 réponses à ce sujet, dernière réponse par sucre33
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Par PEGASOS : le 19/02/11 à 10:28:58


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  Bonjour a tous,
some of you know me already, most of you don't. So just for reference of all, I am PhD student in Toulouse and as you might have guessed, I don't speak good enough french (my fault totally, and I accept it. My apologies for this to all). What makes me write this post is quite unusual, specially for me. But as they say that "desperate times demand desperate measures", I don't have any other choice. This forum is the only place I know. We are called social animals as human beings, and the very reason for this is that we can't survive in isolation, specially when you are going through difficult period of your life. we need moral support and courage, we need a shoulder to cry, we need someone to talk to. In short, we all need friends.

So, thats the purpose of this post. I have lost my only friend in harsh realities of life, somehow I had to leave my only friend! life without that friend is nothing short of hell. In my efforts to survive and fight this crisis, I am writing this post to see if there are people in Toulouse which I can see sometime, to whom I can talk or go out once in a while. I don't feel comfortable talking about myself but all I can say is I am easy going person so will not be a trouble for most of you. I don't own a horse but I know a little bit horse riding thanks to someone on this forum, who taught me. I like photography and so I can take pictures of your horses etc, for free off course.

sorry for a long post but you can guess how miserable I am that I had to do all this. I wish you all the very best and pray that you never lose your friends. Friends are like good health, you only realize its importance once you lose it. so please take good care of your friends!

(disclaimer: if someone thinks my post should not be here, please let me know and I will delete it)

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Par lutine88 : le 23/02/11 à 17:16:36


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Some words to say you that I'm thinking of you !
Be careful, be brave !
I learned for your heart attack and you have been save by a miracle, it's crazy...
Faith, luck: keep that next to you, it's precious...

Par mirza : le 23/02/11 à 17:26:03


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  (Your French is very good!!)

Par PEGASOS : le 23/02/11 à 18:09:20


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 lutine88 no doubt for any miracle to happen, you need faith and luck!

mirza thanks indeed. I am not so bad in reading and writing French, yes but I am very slow because i check dictionary every time. thanks for encouragement.

Par sheytana : le 23/02/11 à 18:30:03

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pour toi Peg...

Par Nenya : le 23/02/11 à 19:42:42


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I hope you'll have better days in future. I know it's very difficult for both of you...

Par PEGASOS : le 23/02/11 à 22:53:21


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 Merci Sheyt, indeed a lot of thanks! though you say that you can not be both a medicine and the disease both but you are! you are much better than any medicine dr gives me, i feel much much better after talking to you. God bless you!

Nenya thanks indeed for the encouragement, i hope and pray too that future is better than present, lets hope for the best!

Par siriusnat : le 24/02/11 à 00:14:47


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 " but I am very slow because i check dictionary every time. "
You don't have to worry about that , i think that some of th " forumeurs " here do the same thing in english ! ( not me of course )

I didn't konw about your heart attack , when did it happen ? ( in pm if you want ) I hope everething is better !

Par sheytana : le 24/02/11 à 06:59:23

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Peg> U're welcome... Hope that you are fine today, and that you could have some sleep

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 08:47:42


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sheyt yes i am better today (for u ), some sleep which I manage to get is ruined by nightmares...
I hope you are fine too, wish you a happy and blessed day!

 siriusnat yes I can imagine, and I will try to continue doing effort to write in french. about heart, it was attacked about 2 months ago, by my own army! anyways, life is a battle so sometime you are prone to bear some losses, and pains. Hope future will bring some respite.

Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 24/02/11 à 09:28:06

good to know that you're doing a little better,
you need to think about yoursef too, there are people around you who really need you and care for you.

Par aline13 : le 24/02/11 à 09:32:19

mon bonjour du jour pour toi Peg...en espérant que ton âme (à défaut de ton coeur qui lui restera blessé pour longtemps je le sais) supporte cette douleur incommensurable (et hop, le dictionnaire ! que je suis cruelle ) que les tiens ont provoqué...

Je suis de tout coeur avec toi et ne te souhaite que le meilleur....y compris des nuits de sommeil réparateur, sans cauchemard...

Bonne journée Peg...

Par tortilla : le 24/02/11 à 09:37:12


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I do hope that future will be better and will bring you a piece of peace
take care of you!

Par sucre33 : le 24/02/11 à 10:39:43


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Good to see you are a little better today !
Have a nice day.

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 13:01:23


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  sowerealittlecrazy thanks! I do realize it and I am trying my best, hope soon i will be better. love is selfish but its selfish in a unique way: instead of thinking about own-self, it forces us to think about the one to whom we love! even at the cost of our own life! its stubborn, its resolute! its powerful and its all dominating! this is very dangerous combination which on one side can make wonders to happen as norms and at the same time it can take one's own life mercilessly. I hope I will not end up in second category. not at least today i am happy today!

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 13:08:47


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 aline13 merci bcp. Oui, mon dictionnaire est d'aider et utile, tout comme mon amour

tortilla thanks for best wishes and reciprocate, wish you all the happiness too in your life!

sucre Bonjour, I am much better today, may be its temporary may be not, whatever the case is I am happy to live any good moment i can gather, and for the moment its one of the best moments i had in last few weeks (thanks to someone who is kind and caring) .

thanks once again for you wishes, wish you a happy do as well, study well and take good care of urself.

thanks to everyone for their moral support and prayers, you all are kind people, and i pray for all of you, may Allah bless you all with happiness and keep you safe from worries. ameen

Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 24/02/11 à 13:14:13

 peg, good to read that, you are a wonderful person and it would kill me if you d caused any ham to yourself....

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 13:59:20


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  sowerealittlecrazy i am not a coward or weak person, i know how to fight with honor and dignity till my last breaths! But I am also a human being, and to be a human has its weaknesses. I will never chose an easy but coward path of self-annihilation to get rid of my pain and sufferings but if my sufferings grow more powerful than my endurance, then its totally a different story! all i can say is that i did try my best and thats what matters, we should try our best and leave the results to God.

Par sucre33 : le 24/02/11 à 15:45:55


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I am happy to live any good moment i can gather, and for the moment its one of the best moments i had in last few weeks
It is really good to read these words

Thanks to you for ur wishes u too.
Precisely I am going to read psychology lesson.

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 15:51:52


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 psychology is one of my favorite subject but unfortunately never got chance to read it, i would love to know about human thinkings and how they affect us. perhaps when i will be old man, i will have free time to read it, though it will be bit too late but still i will do it!

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 17:28:15


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life is something which is difficult to understand, its like a sea, there are so many directions you can follow, and if we dont do anything the water of sea will take us to its own direction.
though at first this seems an easy choice to just sit idle and wait where the flow of water takes us, but its most dangerous too because we never reach our destination, because water keeps chaning its direction at it's free will, leaving us trapped in vicious cycle forever. We are lost in vast sea of life. only if we are very lucky, we may find some island and may stay there for some respite.

so one will have to do effort, to see where is his destination, or chose its destination with wisdom, with signs, like stars: giving u sense of north east west etc or with knowledge of wind direction. and then steer its boat to that direction that leads to the destination.

In the sea of life, off course we will encounter hurricanes. if we dont find destination, we will always face hurricanes and whole life will just be wasted in fighting hurricanes.

Par laska : le 24/02/11 à 18:27:06


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 Peg; I'm so sorry to read your words. Your sadness is terrible...
For now; I can't found words... but I support yuou the most I can.
The only time I saw you, I met a nice, gentle and very interesting person. And I'm sure you soual is admirable!
Keep hope. I know it's easier to say than to live but I'm sure life will smile to you again.


(and sorry again for my poor English).

Par sucre33 : le 24/02/11 à 19:26:20


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 never got chance to read it
Why ? Because of time ?

perhaps when i will be old man, i will have free time to read it, though it will be bit too latebut still i will do it!
yes, it is never too late !

Yes, psychology is very interesting. I like learning about human being and "spirits's mysteries" !
Well, when we are dealing with Freud's theories for example, it sometimes can become twisted (I an not sure of the word despite my bestfriend Lien) / weird.
We talk about childhood, teenagers, old people, health, mourning and other themes about life.

Your comparison between life and sea ring true to my ears (eyes !) and it is beautiful.
Yet, destination is not easy to find ! Maybe we have the life to do it.

Par PEGASOS : le 24/02/11 à 22:36:31


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 sucre never read because in my engineering curriculum it was never taught and could not find time to read it myself.
I would like to study these themes, perhaps i will find a good book and read it myself soon. its always good to know how our brain works and how our emotions can be kept under control. I wish you all the best in ur study !

Par sucre33 : le 24/02/11 à 22:46:21


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Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 08:51:02


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 laska Thanks indeed for your kind words. Its nice of you to come to support me in this crisis, I appreciate your concerns. And I also hope that soon I will be able to live normally again, or at least in less worse condition. I wish you a happy life too, free from worries and sufferings (I know it's bit ideal but everything is possible). have a nice day!

Par Nenya : le 25/02/11 à 09:01:58


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 Have a nice day too Peg

Par Maevan : le 25/02/11 à 09:03:07


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Bonne journée à vous, et bon courage.

Pleins de pensées.

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 09:50:20


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 Merci à tous wish you all a happy day too.

Par sheytana : le 25/02/11 à 11:32:46

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Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 12:21:01


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 merci sheyt

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 16:50:06


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 leaving for paris tonight, for some tests. I hope it will be fine, I wish all of you a happy weekend.

Par Loustix : le 25/02/11 à 16:55:11


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Hi Peg ! I send you a message on your phone and got your answer !
Just I'm happy that you'll go on Paris. Maybe some fresh air could change your mind even if it's just for two days.
But I don't let die my proposition, I hope you'll follow me a week end for a shooting with my horses. I'm in England the next week, but free the week end after... So...

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 17:04:22


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 Loustix oh good if u got my reply, I was wondering the number from which I received your message was different. thanks for the offer, i will see when can we materialize it. At the same time wish you a good time in England. Have fun

Par Loustix : le 25/02/11 à 17:16:22


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Yeah I know my phone just screw up...
So I used an other one to send message and keep mine to receive. Really handy I know !
Ok ! I keep that on my mind ! Hope we can meet us again !
Thanks for England, first time on that country I just pray for sun, just that !

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 17:18:26


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 lol Loustix thats very true, pray for sun :-) or take some from Toulouse if you can
good solution of communication with two cell phones, :-)

Par sucre33 : le 25/02/11 à 17:18:35


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Take a rest and take care of you in Paris this week end

Good travel

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 17:20:21


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 sucre Hi, thanks for well wishes and i hope it will be fine. I hope ur study is going well and wish you a nice weekend too, have lots of fun and take care.

Par sucre33 : le 25/02/11 à 17:30:18


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 Hi, it's true I have not said bonjour !
If you are come back monday, maybe we could meet as we said ? I keep you updated !
Thanks for the week end.

Par PEGASOS : le 25/02/11 à 17:39:06


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 sucre ok. I am hopeful to be back either on sunday night or monday morning. will be nice to see you! bonne weekend

Par sucre33 : le 25/02/11 à 17:44:26


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 Bon week end à toi aussi !

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