Frienship /amitie -- A social necessity
Sujet commencé par : PEGASOS - Il y a 459 réponses à ce sujet, dernière réponse par al2 personnes suivent ce sujet.
Par PEGASOS : le 19/02/11 à 10:28:58
Dire merci | Bonjour a tous, some of you know me already, most of you don't. So just for reference of all, I am PhD student in Toulouse and as you might have guessed, I don't speak good enough french (my fault totally, and I accept it. My apologies for this to all). What makes me write this post is quite unusual, specially for me. But as they say that "desperate times demand desperate measures", I don't have any other choice. This forum is the only place I know. We are called social animals as human beings, and the very reason for this is that we can't survive in isolation, specially when you are going through difficult period of your life. we need moral support and courage, we need a shoulder to cry, we need someone to talk to. In short, we all need friends. So, thats the purpose of this post. I have lost my only friend in harsh realities of life, somehow I had to leave my only friend! life without that friend is nothing short of hell. In my efforts to survive and fight this crisis, I am writing this post to see if there are people in Toulouse which I can see sometime, to whom I can talk or go out once in a while. I don't feel comfortable talking about myself but all I can say is I am easy going person so will not be a trouble for most of you. I don't own a horse but I know a little bit horse riding thanks to someone on this forum, who taught me. I like photography and so I can take pictures of your horses etc, for free off course. sorry for a long post but you can guess how miserable I am that I had to do all this. I wish you all the very best and pray that you never lose your friends. Friends are like good health, you only realize its importance once you lose it. so please take good care of your friends! (disclaimer: if someone thinks my post should not be here, please let me know and I will delete it) |
Par Patélise : le 27/02/11 à 20:49:32
Dire merci | i don't speak english very well, and i don't understand all your story but for you and your health |
Par mirza : le 27/02/11 à 20:54:01
Dire merci | I understand from your message that this is rather good news! Take care |
Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 27/02/11 à 20:58:55
Déconnecté | peg |
Par sucre33 : le 27/02/11 à 21:00:32
Dire merci | I have so many friends now You're silly I'm happy that your results are not so bad even if it is not great. Wait and see. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 21:01:04
Dire merci | Did you ever think about fantasy and reality? about wish/desires and logic? about passion and reason? I find them all quite similar. they all put us in dilemma very often in our life. they bring us on a road which has two directions and we have to chose one. The biggest question here is which road to chose? which one is better? Someone asked me yesterday that what is more important in our life: to believe in destiny or to pursuit our wishes? and i have been thinking about it since then. I am not sure it's so simple to decide or to even understand what is the difference. Off course we are mostly tempted to think about fantasies, to follow our desires and wishes, to act upon our passion. But certain occasions also demand that we should not forget the reality while dreaming about fantasies, we should not forget common sense logic while we chase our desires and we should not forget the value of reasoning while we are passionated to do something. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 21:12:13
Dire merci | Patélise Je suis désolé, Je aurais parle français. merci bcp pour le encouragement. Mirza Oui, Il aurait pu être pire. merci aussi. sucre et sowerealittlecrazy c'est vrai, maintenant, j'ai des amis sur le forum. (at least) merci vous aussi, merci a tous. |
Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 27/02/11 à 21:18:56
Déconnecté | i think that wishes and trying to pursue them just help you get further and to another stage of your life, without them what would be the point of living life? I believe we need dreams and we need to make them come true or at least try to make them come true to feel alive and feel we keep moving |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 21:35:09
Dire merci | ^^ thats very true, we need dreams and objectives to spend a good life, without objectives life useless and dull. All the development we as human beings have done so far is basically due to this very basic reason that we dream and then we strive to achieve our dreams. There no denying of this fact. My question was more about how one should decide what is right choice: should we always follow the logical reasoning and decide what sense demands? or should we totally forget about reasoning and just dive head first to fulfill our passion? And as is the case mostly, I guess we should follow a moderate path, none of the extremes are totally right. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 21:42:18
Dire merci | our soul is like a battle field, on which our reason and judgement fight against our passion and appetite to achieve what we like. And since on both sides of the war, its our own self so no matter who wins and who loses, we will have to bear the loss. so what is solution? Peace. Peace between our reasoning and passion is necessary. |
Par Gracioso : le 27/02/11 à 21:52:21
Dire merci | I was just reading until now, because I couldn't find words to help you Peg But I hope that the results next weekd won't be bad. I am happy to read that you and "your cure" can talk together again. And be sure, that even if some people don't dare to talk here, many of them are thinking of you. Good luck to both of you |
Par Pampille : le 27/02/11 à 21:59:45
Dire merci | Hi Pegasos, First I'm a bit ashamed cause your english is far better than mine But I wanted to give an opinion about what you're talking about... "Should we totally forget about reasoning and just dive head first to fulfill our passion?" I think that there's no rule... We can be all what we want to be and act the way we want. After all, does it really matter? Don't we give too much importance to ourselves? |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 22:17:33
Dire merci | Gracioso thanks for well wishes. I hope so too. and yes I know there are perhaps more people who pray and care even though they dont write here, and I am really grateful to all of them. no doubt i find this place full of good people, and thats really a nice thing, may Allah bless us all. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 22:27:53
Dire merci | Pampille Hi, thanks for enlightening us with your valuable insight. perhaps you are right in saying that there is no fixed rule and that we can be what we want to be. But question is should we do what we want to be? Isn't it good idea to just think bit logically before we take any decision? I may be wrong but what i think is that one should not totally forget about consequences of our actions. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 22:57:24
Dire merci | It is said that reason and passion are like rudder and sail of a ship. If anyone of it is missing or broken, the ship can not continue its direction, it is either still in water due to missing sail or will toss or drift from its direction due to missing rudder. Just logics and reasoning alone will confine our creativity and progress. Passion alone is like a flame which will burn to it's own destruction. The best option is that we should direct our passion with reason, using positive aspects of both while neglecting negative aspects. Message édité le 27/02/11 à 22:59 |
Par aline13 : le 27/02/11 à 23:17:38
Déconnecté | du soir pour toi Peg Merci pour le remerciement mais je n'ai rien fait de particulier, que de te souhaiter le meilleur dans ta vie ainsi que la santé Puisse Dieu, quelqu'il soit, bénir chaque jour de ta vie et faire que tous tes rêves se réalisent, y compris les plus fous... Sheyt', je pense aussi à toi en écrivant la phrase ci dessus (c'est mon côté "mère Thérésa" qui ressort là ) |
Par ophe71 : le 27/02/11 à 23:33:39
Dire merci | je suis a 300% ok avec aline. +++++ pour Tout ce qu'elle vient de dire autant pour peg quepour sheyt. |
Par PEGASOS : le 27/02/11 à 23:41:34
Dire merci | aline13 merciii pour tout le prières. Je vous souhaite le bonheur trop |
Par sheytana : le 28/02/11 à 08:57:51
Dire merci | Maybe you can concentrate on your paper instead on doing philosophy |
Par maody : le 28/02/11 à 09:02:46
Dire merci | les du jour par ici!!! |
Par PEGASOS : le 28/02/11 à 09:36:51
Dire merci | Sheyt yes sir! have nice day and enjoy ur walk, i will work on my paper . bon journee a tous! ophe71 et maody mercii Message édité le 28/02/11 à 09:38 |
Par vertige08 : le 28/02/11 à 09:30:23
Dire merci | Aïe, un post en anglais Je suis trés nulle en anglais, mais j'ai cru comprendre qu'ici on avait besoin de zondes... Alors je zondes!!!!!!! |
Par PEGASOS : le 28/02/11 à 09:32:59
Dire merci | vertige08 mercii, c'est gentil. |
Par nath34 : le 28/02/11 à 10:41:53
Dire merci | Hi Pegasos ! I just would like to say to you that you're not alone. We are there, not too far and you know that you can come when you want... Life is your choice and you can sometimes change the things...And you have a big chance, you're (we are) in a country of freedom. Reason...passion...did you read Voltaire and Rousseau, the french philosophers ??? Life is the both, good life is a mix and with a little bit of chance... I came from countries where people fighted for freedom and then from a country where people are very cool and accept their condition. They have a proverb : "Hakuna Matata" !!! Really, like in the king lion, the toon's. It's means : No soucy, keep cool, life is good, don't be worried etc etc...You made the good choice in coming on the forum to get some friendship, here, there is a lot of women and of course women (all other the world) have a big heart and like to give love... |
Par PEGASOS : le 28/02/11 à 11:45:21
Dire merci | Hi nath34, its so good to hear from you. thanks indeed for your valuable advices. I hope you are fine and having a good time. I never read about Voltaire but if its Jean-Jacques Rousseau, then I have read a little bit of its work in english translation, his famous title Émile: or, On Education is a really famous book to read. thanks for reminding me about it, i will try to find and read it in french. thanks indeed once again for all of your love and care, i really appreciate it and I am sure sooner or later things will be better for us. I am trying my best and I am hopeful that if the efforts are sincere, the result will be positive. it can be late but it can't be never! Thanks for the invitation to visit as well, Its always nice to meet you and your family. my best wishes with you all. |
Par lisis : le 28/02/11 à 14:43:14
Dire merci | I think there is no "right" choice in life the only right choice we can do is to feel in peace with ourselves... |
Par nath34 : le 28/02/11 à 15:36:17
Dire merci | I think sometimes you can't be in peace on your own because you are in a dilemn, like Pegasos in this moment. He loves, but his loves is in incompatibility with his status. And He loves his country too. What to do to mix his two incompatible love ? He has a choise to do, very hard... |
Par lisis : le 28/02/11 à 15:52:54
Dire merci | j'ai bien compris le problème Nath juste qu'il n'y a pas de "bon" ou de "mauvais" choix, il y a juste le choix qui nous permet de nous dire "je suis là où je dois être, en paix avec moi-même, malgré les difficultés, malgré les renoncements que j'ai dû faire". Et ça c'est parfois le temps qui nous permet de le savoir. Aujourd'hui son coeur souffre, dans tous les sens du terme, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser que c'est lié... |
Par Harod : le 28/02/11 à 16:35:10
Dire merci | bon, j'suis une quiche audoise en anglais, j'ai donc pas tout compris.. mais |
Par sucre33 : le 28/02/11 à 18:22:25
Dire merci | Hi Peg ! I hope you spent a nice day today ! |
Par PEGASOS : le 28/02/11 à 18:38:18
Dire merci | hello sucre, it was very busy but i am back to my room, how was ur day and walk today? must be dead tired |
Par sucre33 : le 28/02/11 à 18:47:06
Dire merci | Ok. The walk was great !! Yes, i'm exhausted like Sheyt. The horses were nice and the weather too : a chilly wind sometimes but clouds with sun. The lake, the country and forests are beautiful |
Par PEGASOS : le 28/02/11 à 19:03:09
Dire merci | Thats really nice sucre, I know her country side is beautiful I am glad that you had a wonderful time. |
Par laska : le 01/03/11 à 11:06:58
Par aline13 : le 01/03/11 à 11:59:46
Déconnecté | Hi Peg ! How do you do ? mon anglais hélas, s'arrête là...donc mes du jour pour ton moral, ta santé et tout le reste et pour ce qui concerne ta question, Nath a raison, la vie n'est qu'un savant mélange de raison et de passion, à toi de déterminer quel dosage te rendra le plus heureux.... |
Par PEGASOS : le 01/03/11 à 13:25:29
Dire merci | Bonjour a tous! merci sheyt and sucre pour la visite la dernier nuit bonjour laska et aline13, j'espère que vous êtes bien. Merci pour le soutien aline13, oui je conviens (agree) aussi ce qu'elle a dit. la modestie est la meilleure politique (modesty is the best policy). |
Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 01/03/11 à 19:00:53
Déconnecté | hey peg, how are you today? |
Par nath34 : le 01/03/11 à 19:21:00
Dire merci | Hi Peg ! You didn't selected me like friend, I verified !!! You are only friend with Sheyt and Sucre...I want to be your friend too !!!! Aline : tu dis que tu ne sais pas parler anglais mais tu comprends très bien !!! Donc non, ça ne s'arrête pas là et of course on peut toujours progresser dans la communication (j'en suis l'exemple frappant) et d'ailleurs chez moi j'ai mis tout le monde à l'anglais (sauf le chien !) Aujourd'hui, today : sheet day ! My shetland pony came out of the field at night and I run after her till 8.00 this morning...and more : husband was out because had a very big cold and near 40 ° fever !!! Fortunaly, tonight would be nice cause we eat with my mother, she invited my ex husband with his wife and sons. They are friend with my two little girls (too good !!!). But Julie, our common daughter is not there, she's in Perpignan, studying...We will think and perhaps phone to her to say that we are all together...her sisters and her brothers together (too funny !). So life could be what you expect with time... |
Par mirza : le 01/03/11 à 21:45:15
Dire merci | J'ai mis tout le monde à l'anglais (sauf le chien !) Nath for you Peg! |
Par sheytana : le 01/03/11 à 21:46:26
Dire merci | Han mais ton chien aboie pas l'anglais la honte! |
Par al : le 01/03/11 à 22:30:58
Dire merci | hi peg, sheyt just told me what happened to you last week and i'm still shocked i can't believe what's happening to you, you're so brave! i hope this won't change what we said 10 days ago about the fact that you'll come to diner at our place? (i'll set up this with her by phone or msn ) Ce message a été modifié par un modérateur. |
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