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Frienship /amitie -- A social necessity

Sujet commencé par : PEGASOS - Il y a 459 réponses à ce sujet, dernière réponse par PEGASOS
2 personnes suivent ce sujet.
Par PEGASOS : le 19/02/11 à 10:28:58


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  Bonjour a tous,
some of you know me already, most of you don't. So just for reference of all, I am PhD student in Toulouse and as you might have guessed, I don't speak good enough french (my fault totally, and I accept it. My apologies for this to all). What makes me write this post is quite unusual, specially for me. But as they say that "desperate times demand desperate measures", I don't have any other choice. This forum is the only place I know. We are called social animals as human beings, and the very reason for this is that we can't survive in isolation, specially when you are going through difficult period of your life. we need moral support and courage, we need a shoulder to cry, we need someone to talk to. In short, we all need friends.

So, thats the purpose of this post. I have lost my only friend in harsh realities of life, somehow I had to leave my only friend! life without that friend is nothing short of hell. In my efforts to survive and fight this crisis, I am writing this post to see if there are people in Toulouse which I can see sometime, to whom I can talk or go out once in a while. I don't feel comfortable talking about myself but all I can say is I am easy going person so will not be a trouble for most of you. I don't own a horse but I know a little bit horse riding thanks to someone on this forum, who taught me. I like photography and so I can take pictures of your horses etc, for free off course.

sorry for a long post but you can guess how miserable I am that I had to do all this. I wish you all the very best and pray that you never lose your friends. Friends are like good health, you only realize its importance once you lose it. so please take good care of your friends!

(disclaimer: if someone thinks my post should not be here, please let me know and I will delete it)

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Par PEGASOS : le 03/03/11 à 20:54:31


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 lisis merci

Par sheytana : le 03/03/11 à 21:05:28


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Ça peut pas être moi je raconte JAMAIS de bêtises

Par PEGASOS : le 03/03/11 à 21:34:37


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 lol sheyt, Je ne te blâme pas

Message édité le 03/03/11 à 21:22

Par nath34 : le 03/03/11 à 21:59:53


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 Ah mais moi j'avais tout de suite reconnu le style... ...Sheyt, sors de ce corps !!!

I send you (the both), a lot of good wishes...

Au fait, on a une sortie attelage dimanche en 13, what about it ?

And thank you to accept me like friend on this forum too Pegasos, I'm pround to have this status of course

Have a good night

Par PEGASOS : le 03/03/11 à 22:13:09


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 nath Pleasure is all mine. I am more than happy to be friend of all the good people here
(except for the one who say "je suis con" , for that person I prefer to be something else than just a friend )

Par siriusnat : le 03/03/11 à 22:43:12


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 Hi Peg !

I am really happy to know that you're " je suis con " ! ( i'm joking! )

I'm glad to see you're better ; do you mean my prayers are working ?

Par PEGASOS : le 03/03/11 à 22:54:08


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 siriusnat yes everyone's prayers and wishes are working

Par sucre33 : le 04/03/11 à 00:17:14


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 Sheyt non mais n'importe quoi

Par PEGASOS : le 04/03/11 à 11:52:50


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  sucre, c'est sheyt ! no surprise :-)

Message édité le 04/03/11 à 11:40

Par sucre33 : le 04/03/11 à 13:49:07


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Par nath34 : le 04/03/11 à 19:18:48


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 Kikoo ici, a little bit of frienship for a good boy

Par aline13 : le 04/03/11 à 21:21:08

hey ! what a surprise ! you speak french very well...

Sheyt' : si j'ai bien compris ce que j'ai compris, chuis très contente pour vous deux...sinon ben....chuis contente quand même !

Take care of you both (c'est bien comme ça qu'on dit ? )

Par sheytana : le 05/03/11 à 01:00:46


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 Lol Aline

Pour l'instant y'a pas grand chose à comprendre, on est en standby, trop de paramètres restent encore incertains

Mais bon en attendant, on profite de nos moments de calme... (Avant la tempête? Après la tempête? L'oeil du cyclone? L'avenir nous le dira:..)

Par aline13 : le 05/03/11 à 08:00:55

 APRES la tempête sheyt'

mon bonjour du jour...Have a nice day

Par Sahel46 : le 05/03/11 à 08:59:47


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 Je n'interviens pas mais suis là, en silence et je rebondis sur ce que dit Aline : alors moi aussi suis contente pour vous

Par mumu44 : le 05/03/11 à 11:51:20

 Courage pour ton coeur Pegasos, courage pour tout le reste

Par sheytana : le 05/03/11 à 21:12:15


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Aline> C'est trop tôt pour dire si c'est vraiment après la tempête...

Si chemin il y a pour nous deux, il est encore semé d'embuches

Et si chemin il n'y a pas...

Par PEGASOS : le 05/03/11 à 21:49:49


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 bonsoire a tous,

nath Merci bcp a friend in need is a friend indeed.

aline merci bcp, vous aussi prendre soin

Sahel46 et mumu44 merci bcp

et sheyt pour tout et tout

Par PEGASOS : le 06/03/11 à 12:24:17


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 Bonjour a tous,

Il a été un week-end heureux
Merci à tous pour vos prières et de bons vœux

Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 06/03/11 à 12:28:09

 hey peg, seems like you're way better lately
how was yourweek? sorry i can not come that often on this topic as i work so much and just don't have time even for myself...

Par PEGASOS : le 06/03/11 à 13:38:21


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  sowerealittlecrazy Hi, nice to see you back. I have been much better. Infact, the week has been more than I could ever wish for. That's life I guess, when sufferings go beyond our thresh hold, God creates miracles to help us and gives us strength to continue on our journey. I am lucky that I have some strength by my side now, not sure how far this dream will continue but at least for now, I am living my precious moments fully.

It's ok for the topic, I can understand and I am really thankful to people like you who can spare some time from their busy life to support others in their desperate times. I wish you all the best and I hope life will be kind to you, bringing happiness and joys along the way.

Sometimes, being busy can be a good thing, It can be a blessing in disguise. At the same time, one should not forget to take care of him/herself. Our body has some rights as does our soul. we must oblige to these rights and take care of our body and soul both. I hope sooner or later you will come through your tough time with flying colors. may Allah bless you in your difficult times. ameen

Message édité le 06/03/11 à 13:26

Par sowerealittlecrazy : le 06/03/11 à 13:44:55

 thank you peg
it will get better soon i hope, it's just ive got to work a lot like many people need to. I can not complain though because i'm quite happy, it could be a lot worse i guess. I'm really really thrilled to read that you feel good. Life is like that, up and down moments that we need to face so we can learn from them and get to another stage of our life. But sometimes it seems so unfair and it seems like we don"t have the strengh to face it but us "human" have inner forces that are revealed only in these moments

Par PEGASOS : le 06/03/11 à 14:10:37


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  but us "human" have inner forces that are revealed only in these moments >>>

whatever you said, no doubt is well phrased. But specially the line I have highlighted above. I do believe that we human beings are crown of creations, means we have been given some powers and capabilities which no other creation has. We all have potential to be wonderful and we all have gems hidden in us. The only thing missing is how do we discover our real potential and abilities. Its not so easy.

as you said, one way to discover our hidden potential is when we are in testing conditions. But that too only if we believe in our own self. Without self belief, it's next to impossible to achieve what we all should strive for: that is discovering our real potential.

There is famous poet in Urdu who said that (translation in english) " O mankind! exalt (elevate) yourself to such ranks that before your fate is written by God, He (God) will ask you what is your wish!"

Par nath34 : le 06/03/11 à 19:00:13


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 So if the week end was good, I wish you a good night...

and what about next sunday ? attelage in Pouzols with us ?

Par PEGASOS : le 06/03/11 à 19:56:15


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 Nath Thanks for the night :-) I hope it will be good too

for next weekend, I would love to join you people but I don't know, now a days I don't know what will happen next moment so a week is far far away...
but lets hope i will be able to join

Par PEGASOS : le 06/03/11 à 20:13:14


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 In love, we can find the fun even in the hardest situation because we have with us what we want the most in our life. But when we are alone, even the happiest occasion feels dull and incomplete. I feel lost without her...

Par sheytana : le 06/03/11 à 22:10:52


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Oh I'm your GPS in fact

Par al : le 07/03/11 à 00:15:41


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i'm pretty sure the worst is behind you

we've been saying, since the beginning, that it looked like a hollywood movie, and i know that we're close to the happy and
with many and so much more

Par siriusnat : le 07/03/11 à 05:49:03


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 A little " Hi " before going to work !
Have a nice day Ad' !

Par Assimilee : le 07/03/11 à 11:00:48


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A little morning tought for you 2

Par laska : le 07/03/11 à 14:28:18


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 I'm so happy for you!
Have a nice day!

Par PEGASOS : le 07/03/11 à 14:59:41


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 sheyt you are my everything infact

al I dont know about movie or about the end but what I know is that I love her and for the moment it can't be better but about future, we will see when it happens to us!

siriusnat Hi thanks indeed for the morning greetings, I wish you a good day at work too, have nice time

Assimilee merci, we wish you a good day too!

laska merci , wish you a good day too. I hope your study is going good and you are able to read the large pile of manuscripts

Par laska : le 07/03/11 à 15:02:57


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 Thank you!
For now, I'm not able to read them. I visit the several archives to check if the different inventories are correct. Then, I have to photgraphy the manuscripts and after, I will be able to read them
It's a long, long work....

Par PEGASOS : le 07/03/11 à 15:06:32


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 lol ok, good luck for all that but don't forget that no matter how long the journey is, it always starts with the first step . so take the first step and soon your journey will be over and you will reach your destination

Par laska : le 07/03/11 à 15:11:39


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 You're wise!
I hope I'll be wiser as you are! I'm unable to such a state of mind
It's not really about my Phd but about my life...I whish I could accept to be drag by the flow... but I always resist...

Par PEGASOS : le 07/03/11 à 15:32:07


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 hmm if i understood right what you said, then I think it's not bad to resist the flow of life. Infact I prefer to chose my own path and do efforts to follow the path i have chosen instead of just sitting idle and follow the flow of life where ever it takes me. I think if we don't chose our destination and goals of life, we will waste all our life without any useful purpose. But thats my opinion about life: I may be wrong.

Par laska : le 07/03/11 à 15:43:20


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 Yes, I agree but sometimes, it's hard to follow our way. Maybe sometimes, I'd prefer to be driven, instead to drove. It's more easy but less satisfactory.

Again, I apologize for my poor English I'm ashamed cause I'm graduated in English but I have not practised since... 5 years...

Par PEGASOS : le 07/03/11 à 15:46:37


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 No you should not be! I am worse than you, i am here for more than 2 years and still my french is as bad as I was two years ago. But now I have promised someone to improve it by the end of this year

Par pitichat83 : le 07/03/11 à 15:49:10


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 Pas eu le courage de lire tous les paragraphes anglais suis bien trop nulle mdr.

Mais contente pour vous aussi de la partie française que j'ai lu mdrr

Par PEGASOS : le 07/03/11 à 16:14:40


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 pitichat83 bonjour et Bienvenue sur le sujet

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